Friday 31 August 2012

Porridge! Updated 3rd September 2012

By request, I'll try something on porridge :)

For us, a good porridge comes with a good soup stock.
Typical soup stocks...
Suitable for under 10 months:
- Vege soup stock (use any vege you've already introduced!)

Suitable for above 10 months:
- Fresh silverfish (silverfish can be mashed into porridge) --> Please beware of seafood allergy if it runs in the family or your baby has eczema
- Pork (I prefer using lean meat even if the meat is wasted --> I feed it to my dog, we do not feed the meat to baby as it is tasteless and tough after using it for stock)
- Chicken (Preferably whole kampung chicken --> Meat can be shredded for baby :D )
- Beef (good iron source!)
- Vege! (Use any vege you have already introduced! Try adding some garlic and onion for added flavour PLUS these help to boost their immune systems! Corn makes very sweet soup stock!)

Suitable for above 1yo:
- Dried scallops (I prefer to avoide before 1yo due to possiblities of allergies)

Basic Porridge Varieties  
(Do check back again - Will update with new ones when I think of more!)

#1 - Pork and corn 
#2 - Chicken and onions
#3 - Threadfin (fish) & pumpkin
#4 - ABC vege (carrot, potato, onion) & salmon
#5 - Chinese leek & pork
#6 - Hairy Melon & chicken
#7 - Pear & wolfberries (I know this sounds weird, but this is good for dry cough)
#8 - Frog leg & broccoli (MY FAVE!)
#9 - "Baby Bak Kut Teh" --> Use garlic, some whole peppers (don't grind/hit/smash) with pork
#10 - Yellow & green zuchinni plus small amount of red bell pepper --> Very colourful!
#11 - Tofu & Egg (Make sure you've already introduced egg!)
#12 - Carrot & Silverfish
#13 - Chicken with Apples
#14 - Tomato & Tofu
#15 - Asparagus & fish (threadfin)
#16 - Peas & fish (salmon)
#17 - White fungus & chicken
#18 - Cabbage & pork

Porridge need not be rice only.
Mix in lentils, beans and other grains for variety!
My boy loves millets with his porridge :)

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Oopsie! PD says baby's a little too yellow!

Mummies do take note if your baby looks too yellow.
I quote the PD,"Babies should look PINK in the cheeks, not yellow!"

To me, I didn't notice as I'm pretty yellow myself. Oops! Bad mummy!
PD highlighted that he probably has too much food high in carotenes continuously.
So we were instructed to stay off them for 2 weeks.

Anyway, I relooked his diet the past 2 weeks and realised that my helper has been serving orange vege on a daily basis! No wonder! *piak forehead*
Pumpkins, sweet potatoes and the main culprits (HIS FAVE!).
And... we've totally forgotten then brocolli and spinach has the same effect! (Again, HIS FAVE!)

So poor boy has to cut off his fave veges for 2 weeks. Oh well. Time to explore new veges for him.
We are sticking to potatoes, zucchini, old cucumber and the colourless veges for now.
Thankfully, he is a trooper and slurps up his food.

And pumpkin, sweet potatoes... are going into my porridge.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Home Made Yogurt (Breastmilk or Formula) - All the Goodness, minus the sugar!

Before you read on, here's why I chose home made over commercial yogurt.
1. For babies under 1yo, it is not recommended to give cow's milk due to increased possibility of allergy. Commercial yogurt (even if designed for babies), are made from cow's milk.
2. If your baby is a TBF baby, why introduce other milk products not made from your own breastmilk?
3. Using the FM that your baby is used to reduces any risk of allergy from new food product.
4. No artificial flavouring!
5. No added sugar!
6. Commercial yogurt is mostly for 1yo and above (I think currently only 1 rare brand that has for 6 mth onwards). Home made yogurt is suitable for babies once they start weaning! Mix it with avocado *YUMMY*!

Read about why yogurt is good for your baby here:

How is it made?
Buy a pack of starters. It's pretty hard to find powdered starters in SG which are plain and not flavoured. You can try ordering from overseas if you can wait. Else, get a small pack of natural plain yogurt and use a tsp of it as starter.

You will need a thermal container or something which can help to keep the temperature constant for the bacteria to work its magic. I use an electric yogurt maker which ensures success everytime (breastmilk is too precious to experiment with). I bought mine for around $50 at Tangs (the same brand that sells a machine to make soy milk).

1. Wash & sterilise all containers & utensils you will be using.
- Thermal container (or your yogurt maker)
- 1 long spoon

2. Pour warm milk into container.

3. Stir in the starter.

4. Leave it to work its magic.

5. It typically takes 6 to 8 hours. The duration will depend on how acidic you want it to be. For breastmilk, you can expect it to be more watery.
I typically leave it for 7 hours so that it's not too sour until baby will reject.

6. It is recommended to portion into smaller containers so that you will not contaminate the entire batch when you scoop out to serve. You can use glass bottles or airtight containers. I prefer using Tupperware's airtight containers. Where to buy TUPPERWARE containers? Check this out:

7. Serve with fresh fruit puree or chopped fruits. Yummy!
You can also use it for cooking or add it into oat porridge, cereal, snacks!

You can keep home made yogurt in the fridge for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks, use the last scoop to redo a new batch! That's your starter!

It should look like this when done - Slightly foamy (from the bacteria's carbon dioxide), creamy & thick

Transferred into Tupperware container for storage!
Did your baby enjoy it? Share a pic or video with us!
Add us on FB and tag us in the pic!

<3 Audrey

(Don't forget to like my FB page:!)

Saturday 25 August 2012

Home Made Banana Bread (NO EGG, NO SALT, NO SUGAR)

 Do you know that commercial bread, although it can be wholemeal, contains salt, sugar and loads of chemicals?
Why expose your baby to these, especially when their organs are still immature?

Try baking your own bread!

Again, there's no exact recipe because this mummy simply hates to weigh/measure.
We go by 'feel'. Or you can Google a simple basic bread recipe and modify from there.

1 pack of dry yeast (around 5g per pack)
1 pack of organic bread flour (feel free to use normal bread flour if you are not giving organic)
3 to 5 small freshly mashed bananas (feel free to replace with other fruit purees or leave this out if you want plain bread)
Milk (you can use water, formula milk, juice, breastmilk - it's up to you)

As I made this when my boy was around 10 months old, no eggs were used.

1. Sieve the flour
2. Make a well in the middle of the flour
3. Pour in the mashed bananas
4. Mix slowly, bringing some flour a little at a time
5. Slowly add in milk/liquids
6. Stir till you get a slightly sticky dough
7. Keep covered (with clean moist cloth) and allow to proof for 30 minutes (or double in size)
8. Knock down and place into baking tin (do grease your tin with olive oil if needed)
9. Allow to proof for 5 to 10 minutes before baking
10. Bake in oven for 25 to 30 min on 180 degrees C

In the oven!
Done! Slightly heavy texture due to the mashed bananas!

Serve with fresh fruit puree as 'jam' or dip into cheese/yogurt! 

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<3 Audrey
(Don't forget to like my FB page:!)

Friday 24 August 2012

Product Review: Ansso Snack Cup from Korea!

We've tried other brand's snack cups before and sadly, we were turned off by them due to the hard & sharp plastic snack cover. And the fact that it didn't come with a cover (it became a lizard trap)!

After trying out Ansso Snack Cup from Korea, we are going to say: ALL HAIL ANSSO!

Why we love it?
1. It helps to build his motor skills! Yes! They are suppose to develop their pincher grip and when we use Ansso Snack Cup, it encourages him to use pincher grip to get his snack out!
2. It gives us PEACE! Ever wondered when will you and your hubby get to sit down and enjoy your meal TOGETHER instead of having to take turns to eat? No, you don't have till wait till they are teenagers! Watch the video below! We had 20 minutes of peace on Father's Day (brought the whole family out for dinner). And my helper also had her meal in peace!
3. It comes with a cover, so crumbs do not spill all over the bag when we bring it out. Most importantly, it keeps out the lizards!
4. It is 100% made in Korea and made from quality materials. No worries about dubious materials used to make your precious baby's snack cup!
5. It's reasonably priced! Online price is only $13.50, with free normal post!

Where to buy?

Did your baby enjoy it? Share a pic or video with us!
Add us on FB and tag us in the pic!

<3 Audrey
(Don't forget to like my FB page:!)

Promotion extended till 15th September 2012.
Winners will be announced on 16th September 2012. :)

Thursday 23 August 2012

Batch Cooking

Traditional Chinese will tell you,"NO! You cannot do that! It will cause wind in baby's tummy!"

Honestly, I've never thought much about this. I've been batch cooking and freezing 5 years ago for my elder boy. I'm doing the same for my younger boy now. & we've never had problems with 'wind in tummy'.

The key is to heat up the porridge till it is piping hot (I use steaming).

To make cooking convenient so that we have time for the boys, we use a thermal cooker. (Read more here:
By using it's own heat to continue with the cooking process, we don't have to watch the fire or worry about burnt porridge!

This is what we do:
1. Rinse rice
2. Place washed rice and water in metal pot of thermal cooker

3. Boil vigorously for 10 to 15min

4. Cover and place metal pot into thermal sleeve
5. Cover and leave to cook for a few hours

When it's ready, you can choose to boil it again if you wish, or simply portion out into freezing trays.
I'll post more about freezing trays later.

For fruits & vege, we normally cut into cubes, steam, then blend (when still at the puree stage) or mash, then freeze. We have been giving small cubes of soft food for self feeding (carrots, potato, etc).

Usually, it is recommended that you allow it to cool before popping the trays into the freezer. However, impatient as I am, I will dump them straight into the freezer. The key is to ensure that you put it AWAY from other frozen food and leave adequate space around the tray for cool air to reach it. Also, set your freezer to the coldest possible.

Why batch cook?
1. It's convenient. We don't have time to cook separate meals for baby daily. Especially when we need to ferry the elder one for classes.
2. It's easier to manage ingredients. Fresh vegetables spoil rather quickly. By batch cooking and freezing, we can extend the shelf life. Frozen food can last up to 1 month in the normal home freezer, but we recommend max 2 weeks for baby's food.
3. Variety! Imagine, we batch cook 20 different ingredients on Sunday and we play mix and match for the next 2 weeks. :) With fresh ingredients, it's pretty hard to do that.

Of course, we try to give fresh whenever we can (e.g. weekends when daddy is the driver).
Fruits are mostly fresh & breakfast usually consist of cereal and fresh fruits (mashed).

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<3 Audrey
(Don't forget to like my FB page:!)

How to start on porridge?

How to start on porridge?
1.       Cook porridge using chicken/pork/vege stock.
2.       Blend or mash. (Make sure your baby is ready for the texture!)
It is best to serve the porridge and other ingredients (meat/vege) separately to allow your baby to enjoy the textures and flavours before mixing into the porridge. You can give 1 spoonful of each item, followed by some water when feeding.

How to prepare batches for freezing?
1.       Steam/boil ingredients.
2.       Puree/mash to desired texture.
3.       Portion out into freezing tray.
4.       Allow to cool.
5.       Cover with lid once cooled and keep into freezer.

Heating up frozen puree/baby food
1.       There is no need to defrost/thaw the frozen food.
2.       Cook immediately by steaming. DO NOT USE MICROWAVES as there are hotspots which might burn your baby’s mouth!

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<3 Audrey
(Don't forget to like my FB page:!)

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Lazy Mummy's Cookies

Want to try baking some cookies for your darling but feel soooooo put off by the amount of work needed???

Try this lazy method!

Yummy Lazy Mummy's Cookies
(This was made with Plum Organics Oats Cereal & Peach Puree.)

- Instant organic cereal (normal cereal if you have not been giving organic cereal)
- Pouch/Bottled puree (or freshly made/frozen home made puree if you wish)
- Some olive oil (optional - this makes the cookie hard instead of chewy)

- Pour out puree into a bowl (add in oil and mix if you wish, around a teaspoon will do)
- Add in equal amount of cereal
- Mix until smooth
- Add in more cereal slowly, until you get the consistency of dough
- Shape the dough and cut into whatever shapes you want
- Place on non-stick mat (or baking paper), bake in oven at 200 degrees C for around 15 min (depends on thickness). It is done when it is slightly brown and thoroughly dried.

This makes a good teething rusk!

Why is this called a lazy method? No need for measuring spoons. Just go by your gut feel!

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<3 Audrey
(Don't forget to like my FB page:!)

Add on:
My little monster enjoyed it!

Starting to Wean!

What to introduce?

Recommended brands (organic):
1.       Bellamys
2.       Organix
3.       Healthy Times
4.       Happy Bellies
5.     Plum Organics

** Purpose of giving organic brands: No added preservatives or flavouring. It is not sweet so your child will not develop a liking for sweet foods and end up rejecting other foods.

You can purchase them from Vitakids, large supermarkets (CS or NTUC Finest) or email me at and I will help you to place an order.

Can I freeze this?
4 – 6mths
Rice cereal
You can pre-prepare cereal/blended porridge and freeze.
Wash & dry rice (under sun or in oven)
Ensure that rice is thoroughly dry
Blend into powder
To use, add 2 parts water to 1 part powder, cook over fire until thick. Allow to cool then add milk (EBM or FM).

Or, cook porridge and blend the porridge into smooth puree. Add milk as desired.

Or buy organic brands.
4 – 6mths
Oat cereal
You can pre-prepare cereal/blended oats/multigrain porridge and freeze.

Start with powdered cereal first. When baby is able to progress to mashed instead of puree, you can do the following:
Buy organic instant BABY OATS (smoother and less insoluble fibre).
Add 1 part oats to 2 parts hot water. Mix well and allow to cool. Add EBM or FM as desired to the texture you want.
4 – 6mths
Multi-grain cereal
Buy organic brands. Can do home-made, same process as rice cereal.
4 – 6mths
Sweet potato
Freezes well.
Choose the yellow/orange versions.
Do not feed continuously/daily. Carotene (orange/yellow pigment) will cause your baby to look yellow/orange if taken continuously. Carotene is also broken down by the liver, so too much of it will tax the young liver.
Good to mix with cereal after initial tasting of pure sweet potato.
4 – 6mths
Try not to.
Oxidizes easily (changes colour to a greenish colour)
Choose baby potatoes. The starch is easier to digest.
Wash the skin, then boil or steam the potatoes whole. Remove the skin before blending/mashing. Add some EBM or FM to make the potato puree smooth.
4 – 6mths
Does not freeze well.
Can keep remaining (untouched portion) in airtight container in chiller for up to 2 days.
Choose ripe avocado (black & soft).
Just scoop the flesh out and mash.
No cooking required.
Take note to feed fast as avocado oxidizes quickly.
4 – 6mths
Does not freeze well (becomes very watery).
Choose small/short banana (petite or ‘pang chio’).
Mash and serve.
No cooking required.
Take note to feed fast as banana oxidizes quickly.
4 – 6mths
Does not freeze well (becomes very watery).
Choose soft and ripe papaya.
Scoop the flesh nearer to the seeds (softer).
Mash and serve.
No cooking required.
4 – 6mths
Freezes well.
Choose gourd shaped green pears (soft flesh).
Remove skin and seeds. Steam till soft then blend till smooth (minimal water needed for blending). Serve fast as pear oxidizes quickly.
China pear (brown pears) are very gritty and known to cause tummy upset.
4 – 6mths
Freezes well.
Choose Red Gala apples (softer). You can steam the apples or choose not to steam. Steamed apples are better for freezing.
Raw apples oxidize easily.
4 – 6mths
Freezes well.
Choose very soft peaches. Try to remove the ‘veins’ before blending.
If the peach isn’t very ripe, you can steam it to soften it.
4 – 6mths
Freezes well.
Steam & blend/mash.

ADD ON: Sweet Potato may cause constipation. Please ensure loads of liquid intake when giving sweet potato!

Was this useful?

<3 Audrey
(Don't forget to like my FB page:!)


Dear Mummies,

I've decided to start this blog to post simple recipes or foods for weaning.
Be it fresh, frozen or pre-packed, there'll be something for all!

Do check back often! I'll try to post up a recipe every day or two!

<3 Audrey
(Don't forget to like my FB page:!)