Sunday, 26 August 2012

Home Made Yogurt (Breastmilk or Formula) - All the Goodness, minus the sugar!

Before you read on, here's why I chose home made over commercial yogurt.
1. For babies under 1yo, it is not recommended to give cow's milk due to increased possibility of allergy. Commercial yogurt (even if designed for babies), are made from cow's milk.
2. If your baby is a TBF baby, why introduce other milk products not made from your own breastmilk?
3. Using the FM that your baby is used to reduces any risk of allergy from new food product.
4. No artificial flavouring!
5. No added sugar!
6. Commercial yogurt is mostly for 1yo and above (I think currently only 1 rare brand that has for 6 mth onwards). Home made yogurt is suitable for babies once they start weaning! Mix it with avocado *YUMMY*!

Read about why yogurt is good for your baby here:

How is it made?
Buy a pack of starters. It's pretty hard to find powdered starters in SG which are plain and not flavoured. You can try ordering from overseas if you can wait. Else, get a small pack of natural plain yogurt and use a tsp of it as starter.

You will need a thermal container or something which can help to keep the temperature constant for the bacteria to work its magic. I use an electric yogurt maker which ensures success everytime (breastmilk is too precious to experiment with). I bought mine for around $50 at Tangs (the same brand that sells a machine to make soy milk).

1. Wash & sterilise all containers & utensils you will be using.
- Thermal container (or your yogurt maker)
- 1 long spoon

2. Pour warm milk into container.

3. Stir in the starter.

4. Leave it to work its magic.

5. It typically takes 6 to 8 hours. The duration will depend on how acidic you want it to be. For breastmilk, you can expect it to be more watery.
I typically leave it for 7 hours so that it's not too sour until baby will reject.

6. It is recommended to portion into smaller containers so that you will not contaminate the entire batch when you scoop out to serve. You can use glass bottles or airtight containers. I prefer using Tupperware's airtight containers. Where to buy TUPPERWARE containers? Check this out:

7. Serve with fresh fruit puree or chopped fruits. Yummy!
You can also use it for cooking or add it into oat porridge, cereal, snacks!

You can keep home made yogurt in the fridge for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks, use the last scoop to redo a new batch! That's your starter!

It should look like this when done - Slightly foamy (from the bacteria's carbon dioxide), creamy & thick

Transferred into Tupperware container for storage!
Did your baby enjoy it? Share a pic or video with us!
Add us on FB and tag us in the pic!

<3 Audrey

(Don't forget to like my FB page:!)

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